Irina Malkmus

Six Time Art Party Participant • Art party supporter




Artist’s Website


Artist’s Statement

I was born in the city of Kharkov in the former USSR, what is now known as Ukraine.


When I was young I often visited my grandmother in Crimea. After lunch I would sit down at the dining room table and draw what I had seen that morning,or what I was thinking about. Unfortunately this wonderful ritual ended when I started school. At school I would draw doodles in the margins of my textbooks to help me remember the lessons. After school I wanted to study at the art institute,but those were difficult years in my country and my mother urged me to take a more practical career path. I graduated from medical college and became a nurse.


I worked at a home for abandoned infants. This made a deep impression on me. This spurred me to want to help society but from a different approach. I then went to university and studied psychology.


During the end of my studies at university I met my future husband, and a year later we moved to America. Here I returned to my passion for art. I took some classes at California colleges. The birth of my twin daughters put a pause to my artistic pursuits, but soon I was back on my path .


Currently I work in my studio at home.


My dream is to be seen, heard and understood. My concept art is a reflection of what is happening through the prism of feminism.