The Art Party is a lot of people milling around admiring the artwork on the walls, the walls, each other, themselves – generally having a good time and feeling vaguely decadent and perhaps slightly French….and hopefully buying art. The Art Party has grown exponentially. The first Art Party in 2007 took place in our house and featured the artwork of our own talented friends and family members. The second Art Party featured them… and their talented friends and family members. The third Art Party, featured all of the above PLUS their talented friends and family members. By the time the fourth Art Party came around, we had expanded way beyond our own house, and we moved into a warehouse. That event featured so many things we can’t even get our heads around it. The fifth Art Party got even bigger, and now we have expanded out of the warehouse. This year we are doing the Art Party at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, and we have NO IDEA what this year will bring. Hopefully, you.